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Oxygen Permeation Analyzer

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Simple, cost effective oxygen permeation testing for packages and bottles

Ideal for oxygen permeation testing of containers, canisters, pouches, bags, closures and more. This two station analyzer is the economical solution. It incorporates the reliability and wide measurement range of our leading permeation instruments but is designed to be cost effective. The removable adapters offer a range of testing methods and can even be tailored to a specific requirement.It has the ability to evaluate a wide variety of barrier alternatives and their corresponding performance. The proven coulometric sensor provides reliable, consistent and accurate measurements time and time again. Simple windows based software means the permeation analyzer is easy to set up with QuickStart stored testing configuration settings and clear concise results.

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

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